Sunday, October 01, 2006

Vancouver Island

Hello together

So I'm back in Vancouver in my Homestey! Tomorrow I'm flying to Riverton!
The journey on the island was pretty nice. We went one night in Victoria and then we drove to Tofino. We had there a lot of fun! We went there in the hot springs and whale watching. We saw grew whales and humpback wahles (Buckelwahle). This was great
:-)! On wensday and thursday morning we went surfing with a man from the Village, he gave us the basic in surfing, and so we had any hours time to try! The water was pretty cold, but we wore wet suits, and so the temperature was ok. The group was getting bigger, becouse we met another girl from Switzerland and a girl from south England in Tofino! On Fridey we split the group, and so I went alone back to Victoria becouse I liked to see the Butchart garden and the British Columbia museum! Finally on Fridey evening back in Victoria I went in the Butchart garden. This is a beautiful place with a lot of flowers. I can say to you, if you like color, so you will like this place :-)! And the most people of you knows wat I feel in refer to color :-)!! Victoria is a small old beautiful city at the ocean. Old in refer of Canada, not in refer of Europe. On saturday morning I went to the BC museum. In this museum is alot about the history of British Columbia, about the Aborigines and the first white people in Canada...Captain Cook and after George Vancouver. Finally after I visited the museum I Vent back to Vancouver. On the Ferri I saw a group of maybe 8 Orcas (Killerwahles), they jumped beside the Ferri out of the water!! this was amazing. I took a lot of photographs with the large lens on my Camera! Hey in December you have to come to me and watch the color slides (Dias)!! So I wish you a very good time and be blessed! I write again after my stay on the Farm!
best wishes! Rolf


At 2:15 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sali Rolf und bisch zwäg? fit und munter? he lad bitte wider emoll fotis ufe. wet gseh was so lauft und wie du dri luegsch.

Wünsch dir e ganz e gueti Zit.

Gruess Luci

At 1:59 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bruederhärz

I freu mi scho uf dini Diashow wenn zrug chunsch. Aber mir wei jetzt jo noni vom zrugcho rede;-)
I wünsch dir no e hammer zit!


At 2:04 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hi Rolf, alles klar? I hoff du hesch es guet uf dere Farm!? Bi gspannt uf die nägschte Bricht und freu mi au mega uf dini Diashow.
Bi uns fot jetzt de gli d Herbschtmäss a.....jupi, und mir händ richtig schön`s Herbschtwätter!
Hebs no gut, Gruess jsa


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